Post any interesting links you find in the comment section.





2 thoughts on “Link roundup: April 28”
  1. It could be that there is no fix for it.
    ….. the Fourth Avenue Underpass, where the cost jumped from $31 million to $46 million;…..this is grating to a lot of people.
    The only bike facility out of all that money was the bike lane to nowhere.
    The city probably won’t spend any more money on it. The best chance for bikes is from development in the area providing some accommodations for going around the intersection.
    The Downtown Subcommittee of the BAC spent two meetings focused on that intersection almost two years ago: one being an on-sight visit that was very well-attended by the public to offer suggestions on easing the bike situation, but nothing came of it.
    Eliminating the northbound access to Toole seems the best suggestion I’ve heard for cars and having them use 5th Ave.

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