Peddler on the Path owner, Jaime Arrieta is one of the people on the ecomonic impact list. Check it out to see who is missing.

The group that is heading up a report on the economic impact of cycling in Tucson needs your input.

The study, which we wrote about last month, aims to figure out just how much money bicycling contributes to the region. It is a collaboration between the Pima Association of Government and the UA Eller College of Sports Management, which will produce the report as their fall class project.

Organizers say the study will help with the region’s push to obtain a platinum bicycle friendly status from The League of American Bicyclists and will show elected officials that investing in cycling can have a big economic impact.

Here’s what Ann Chanecka, a PAG planner who is helping organize the study, wrote in an email.

“It’s important to gauge how much cycling contributes to our local economy,” Chanecka wrote. “Measuring cycling’s contribution in dollars will encourage businesses and governments to continue to invest in infrastructure and program improvements for safe, efficient cycling.”

The group involved in the study created a list, which you can read below, to help the students get started.

The group needs your help with the list.

“PAG needs your help to make sure the study accurately captures how beneficial cycling is to our community,” Chanecka wrote.  “PLEASE, take a look at the list and let PAG know what they need to add, change or subtract.”

The list is divided into 5 categories:

1. Races, Rides, Events and Tours (includes individuals coming to Tucson to train in the winter, but not group training camps)

2. Manufacturing and Distribution (frame, component and rack manufacture; accessory and apparel production; frame building; distribution)

3. Retail, rental, repair  (bike shops and other stores that sell bikes)

4. Professional services (messengers, frame painting bike fitting, coaching, training camps, artists, consulting and legal services, government employees, non-profits) Note: government employees shall include Pima County Bike Ambassador program and all government staff who work full or part time on bike issues.

5. Investments (this includes both public and private investments in infrastructure, education, programs, etc. that brings jobs and other economic gains to the region.

Download the full list here and add a comment below with additions or subtractions to the list.

15 thoughts on “Your help needed in bicycling impact study”
  1. Off the top of my head here are a few people that are missing:

    Bike builder Cory Rosene
    Space Bicycles
    Tour de Cookie
    The bike guides at Tanque Verde Ranch

  2. MTB Events:
    Elephant Head Mountain Bike Challenge (5yrs running Elephant HD-Madera Canyon)
    Ghost Race (new 12hr MTB race 10/2012 Gardner Canyon)

    Offseason MTB Pros Training:
    Dejay Birtch (lives here)
    Chloe Foresman (lives here)
    Todd Wells
    Krista Park

    Santa Cruz

    I will remember more after some coffee

  3. Two more that just came to me. Photographers!

    Mason Ibas Photo and Essens Photography.

  4. Two more that just came to me. Photographers!

    Mason Ibas Photo and Essens Photography.

  5. Thanks to all the commenters for taking the time!  Keep sending more over if they pop in your head.

  6. My husband and I moved here last year and bought a house (pay property tax) because we can ride year-round in Tucson.  We know at least one other couple from Albuquerque, NM who come here during the winter to ride and own property.  Last winter we met lots of people who vacation for at least a week to ride, including a doctor from Missouri and his frien and oodles of German, French and Canadian cyclists riding up Mt. Lemmon.

  7. Forgot to mention that last year engineers from Trek Bicycles stayed in Green Valley for at least a week to ride prototypes, etc.

    Also, Ravello Bikes moved to Tucson last year.

    Also, the Mt. Lemmon Time Trial attracts out-of-state cyclists.  We know one couple who comes here from San Diego for the weekend in order to do the time trial.

  8. Might it be wise to add several of the cycling teams which have a philanthropic impact on the community?  ie Southwest Hand, Summit Velo, etc..

    PS: Go Jaime

  9. I don’t know if this counts, but VelociPrints is a brand new Tucson biz that sells only bicycle-themed artwork, with an upcoming annual event that is projected to produce around 600 bike prints, and attract around 400 attendees. No bicyclists, no art show!

  10. I just realized how self promoting my post above sounded. Sorry, I intended to emphasize the economic importance of cycling to businesses that don’t directly deal in bikes and equipment.

  11. How does BICAS, a non-profit that pays rent, utilities, and 12 part-time employees a living wage, fit in? And speaking of art- people contact BICAS from all over the world to commission unique recycled bike-art pieces.

    Also, The Tucson Bicycle Belles are a group of women cycling enthusiasts who support local businesses by frequently hosting rides to ice cream shops, farmers’ markets, restaurants and other bike shops.

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