Volunteers are still needed for this year’s Cyclovia Tucson. Here’s a note from Pima Association of Governments’ Ann Chanecka:
Cyclovia Tucson is right around the corner on March 18th and we still need a lot of intersection volunteers. Please consider volunteering and pass this along to your friends, family or whoever you think might be interested! We depend on people like you to make it a success.
We need people to work a morning shift or an afternoon shift at nearly 50 intersections along the route. Your main duties are to help participants and residents but you are also able to make your intersection fun and lively! You’ll be given sidewalk chalk to decorate your area and you’re welcome to bring bubbles, hula hoops, frisbees – anything that you think will contribute to the exciting Cyclovia environment. Learn more on the Cyclovia Volunteer web page and sign up at: http://www.cycloviatucson.org/support-2/volunteer/. Every volunteer gets a sweet Cyclovia Tucson t-shirt for helping out!
If you have any questions please contact Ann at achanecka@pagnet.org