More than 5,000 people crossed the finish line before the 5 p.m. cutoff on Saturday. Check out the maps below to see where they came from, plus some other interesting numbers about the event.

This map shows the hometowns for all 5,000 cyclists and the total number of cyclists from each city.

  • 5,122: The total number of cyclist completing either the 40, 55, 75 or 104 mile version of El Tour de Tucson
  • 17.5 percent: The decrease in finishers from 2012. The weather in 2013 prevented many people from participating.
  • 713: The number of different places the finishers came from. The number fell from 903 in 2012.
  • 7 minutes: The time difference between last year’s rain-soaked 107 mile ride and this years sunny 104 miles.
  • 27 percent: The percentage of women finishers.
  • 50 percent: The percentage of finishers who live outside of Pima County.
  • 394,640: The number of miles ridden by the 5,122 El Tour de Tucson finishers.
  • 2,312: The number of cyclists Travis McCabe and Eric Marcotte passed to benefit Look! Save a Life.
  • 47: The average age of the cyclists who completed one of the four rides.

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