
College towns across the country are about to see see students return from the summer breaks. Here in Tucson, we’ve got about a week left before the students and their families hit our streets.

Many of the students will be coming to University of Arizona for the first time and will be looking for a new bike. Here are 5 reasons why every college student around the country ought to buy a bike from their local bike shop instead of big box scores.

1. It’s safer

Local bike shops sell higher quality bikes and are skilled in putting them together. You don’t want your pedal falling off when you are trying to dart across the street between breaks in traffic.

2. It’s cheaper in the long run

While the bike may be more expensive at the time of purchase, it will cost less over the long term. Because the bike is higher quality and put together correctly, the parts won’t wear out as fast and will require less maintenance over the long run.

3. You’ll get the right bike

A local bike shop will have more bikes that will ensure you get the right bike for you. Getting the right bike will also mean it’s more fun to ride, which means you will actually want to ride it.

4. Local bike shops know more

Want some intel about the best bike routes or way to lock your bike? You won’t get that at big box store. Employees at the LBS are in fact locals and they can give you all the information you need to enjoy riding your new bike.

5. The money stays in Tucson

When you shop locally, more of your money stays in the community. You may only be there for four years, but it’s still a benefit.

6. Better service

Most bike shops offer some extended service on bike you purchase at their shop. This will lead to savings, but also a better overall experience.

Be sure to share this article with any of your family and friends who are going off to college.

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