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A Tucson ordinance passed on July 1893 made it illegal to ride without a bell, fail to ring the bell at intersections, ride more than six miles an hour or ride on the sidewalk in violation of an 1893 Tucson ordinance could have resulted in the fining and jail time of cyclists.

The ordinance, which was passed on July 3, 1893 called for fines ranging from $7 to $50 and jail time from seven to 50 days for violating the ordinance.

Here’s the text of the ordinance:



Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Tucson as follows Bicycles to

Section 1 It shall be unlawful for any person to run any or bicycle on any street or alley within the City Tucson without a bell attached thereto

Sec 2 It shall be unlawful for any person to run any velocipede or bicycle across any street or street crossing the limits of the City of Tucson without ringing the attached thereto immediately upon reaching the said crossing

Sec 3 It shall be unlawful for any person to run any velocipede or bicycle on any street or alley within the limits of the City of Tucson at a greater speed than six 6 miles per hour

Sec 4 It shall be unlawful for any person to run any velocipede or bicycle on any sidewalk within the limits of the City of Tucson

Sec 5 Any person violating or non complying with any of provisions of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not less seven 7 and not exceeding fifty 50 dollars or by imprisonment in the city jail not less than seven 7 and not fifty 50 days or by both such fine and imprisonment

Sec 6 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after ten days after the first publication thereof Passed and adopted by the Common Council of the City Tucson this 3rd day of July 1893

Attest: TA JUDD, Recorder and Ex Officio City Clerk

Approved this 3rd day of July 1893 WI PERRY, Mayor

Check out the other ordinances in the Charter and ordinances of the city of Tucson on Google Books.

One thought on “Fines and jail time for cyclists in violation of 1893 city ordinances”
  1. [channeling a typical AZ Daily Star commenter]

    This is another example of another law that cyclists break every day! I can’t even tell you how many times I see scofflaw cyclists without bells, running stopsigns at more than 6 mph and not ringing their bells. 

    Cyclists can have a right to the road when they register their bicycles, and register their bells, and learn to follow the rules of the road!

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