I’ve been speaking to several journalism classes about campus bike thefts this week. The beginning reporting students are working on stories about bike thefts on campus.
I talk a lot about bike-theft prevention being far more important than trying to track down your bike after it’s been stolen. I tell them about using a u-lock and locking your frame and wheels if possible.
It reminded me of this photo I took a few weeks ago at the UA Rec Center. Someone left the note above for a bike rider who had just locked the front wheel of the bike.
When I came back out from my swim the lock had been moved around the frame.
For more locking tips and some really bad examples of how to lock your bike, check out our Stolen Bike page.
From the Classic Rendezvous list….has it worked for anybody?
best advice to people who’ve had bikes or other unique items stolen is to create
a Google Alert with the unique key words and then
let Google alert them via email when there’s a match that shows up somewhere on
the web. People use Google Alerts for their own names to know when they’re
being written about online too. Lot’s of different applications for it. Feel
free to share this advice w/ others.”