The Arizona Daily Star is reporting that Sun Tran workers have voted to go on strike resulting in limited service schedules starting today.
In other cities, when transit workers have gone on strike, there have been increased bike riders on the road and there will likely be more riders on the road in Tucson.
The website Bike Pittsburg created a very handy resource encouraging people to “Bike the Strike.” Many of the tips are applicable to Tucsonans.
Below is a similar, but less in-depth guide for bus riders looking to bike during the strike. Please share this page with people who might be interested in riding during the strike.
Plan your route
The City of Tucson and Pima County have created a high quality bike map for the region. Download the Page 1 and Page 2 of the bike map. The bike maps are also available at most bike shops around Tucson.
Google Maps recently added a “bike there” feature to their mapping tool. Tucson was one if the cities included in the original launch. Check out this post to see how it works and plan your trip.
Get your bike ready
Take your bike to one of the shops in Tucson to ensure it is in good working order. You can see a list on the left side of this post. You can also take your bike to BICAS and have them help you repair your bike yourself. BICAS is a low cost solution and offers work trade if you can’t afford to pay. They also sell inexpensive refurbished bikes if you don’t have one.
Ride safely
Bikes are vehicles and should be operated as such. The law requires you ride in the same direction as traffic. It is illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk. If you will be riding at night, be sure you have lights to make yourself visible to vehicles.
Take a free bike safety class sponsored by Pima County and the City of Tucson. Cyclists who complete the class will also receive a free bike helmet, light set or lock. Check out the class schedule.
Check out Bike Pittsburg’s site for more in-depth suggestions and tips.
Any other tips you think should be added?