I’m working on a story for another publication — more on that later — about Tucson’s bicycling scene.
The idea is to take a visitor on a virtual tour of Tucson. The reader is more interested in sightseeing and shopping than laying down serious miles and huge elevations gains.
They want to get a feel for Tucson and the people who ride their bikes on a daily basis and see what cool amenities we have for bicyclists.
I have a few ideas in my head, but am curious, where you would take that imaginary visitor?
So leave a comment and maybe it’ll be included.
West University area (via either the 3rd Street, or 4th Ave bike boulevards). Then an easy “moosey” up the 3rd Street bike path, heading East, before turning off towards Himmel Park. From there, cross Speedway at Tucson Blvd…. There are some great neighborhood “back ways” that can make for a thoroughly enjoyable ride, with easy turning access to a number of businesses/eateries/coffee shops along Speedway. Fun =)
Oh, and… Yay, BICAS! I love, love, love that place. It is the very definition of the best in human community =)
@MarthaRetallick http://t.co/gRAwS1FTCV
I’ve taken some out of town relatives on a great bike tour. We start at my home off mountain ave, ride through UA, down University, up Fourth Ave. to Hotel Congress for a beer, then south down Scott Ave, cross Sixth Ave for a ride through the Barrio and end up at the corner of 22nd and Sixth Ave. for a Sonora Dog from the best stand in Tucson. We then grab desert at Le Caves and start heading home up South Fourth Ave through Armory Park, under the underpass then down 9th St past The Buffet (can stop here if you want but we were full), then over the snake bridge. We’re on the aviation hwy path for a bit, then south on highland, back through UA and and somehow get home. I think a stop at BICAS would be very cool for a bike person. We did this ride on two separate occasions with groups of 5+ and everyone loved it.
The Loop.
The Rillito River bike path is all worl. End to end. I believe it is a major characteristic that makes the city not only livable, but a source of pride. Although it’s a bit of an up hill/elevation type of workout, biking up A Mountain at around sunset to see the Catalinas turn red, and enjoy the valley lighting up is a great ride.