Post any interesting links you find in the comment section.
There were two bicycle-related stories in the Star in the last two days.
The first story is about ParkWise’s commitment to utilizing angled parking where it is available.
And like ’em or hate ’em, if the city parking czars have their way, they will be spreading.
Whenever possible, any new or reconfigured parking will be angled, back-in style, said Chris Leighton, the city’s ParkWise program coordinator.
Angled parking provides more spaces than parallel parking, he said, and forcing drivers to back in, rather than nose in, makes the street safer for passing bicyclists. Read the rest of the story.
The second is a column by Adrea Kelly who wonders why Arizona continues to slide in the the ‘friendliness’ ratings.
For two years running, we’ve received lower rankings than we did the year before, despite state efforts to get a good designation and several bicyclist-supporting communities here.
We were third-highest in the country in 2008, slipped to seventh last year, and skidded to ninth this year.
It’s an interesting pattern, particularly since I feel like I’ve seen a lot more cyclists on the roads lately. If we’re that unfriendly, why are more people riding? Not that it’s that simple, but the American Planning Association announced earlier this year that there has been an uptick in the number of people riding, too.
Maybe it’s time to blame the economy for that one. Or near-$3 gas.
Where’s the friendliness, or where do we lack it? Read the rest of her column.
As usual the comments are fairly negative toward cyclists.
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