photo 1-1The case of the disappearing bike corral has been solved.

The bike corral outside the Food Co-Op that disappeared before the Fourth Avenue Street Fair was re-installed this week.

The rack was originally taken out to accommodate the streetfair the the thousands of people walking along the route.

Ann Chanecka, the City of Tucson bicycle and pedestrian program manager said it took longer than expected to put the corral back because the attachment to the asphalt wasn’t working well.

The city replaced the asphalt with concrete to make the rack more secure.
The city replaced the asphalt with concrete to make the rack more secure.

There were security issues related to the corral because it was pulling out of the asphalt.

City crews decided to cut out some asphalt and fill it with concrete to provide a more secure attachment.

Chanecka said the the rack would be removed for each streetfair, but that it shouldn’t take as long to put them back.

In addition to the return of the Co-Op corral, two more corrals will be installed soon.

The first will be placed on 9th Street near Fourth Avenue in front of the new restaurant The Coronet.

The second will be on Pennington Street outside Reilly Pizza.

2 thoughts on “Co-op corral replaced; more on the way”
  1. We need more on University between Park and Euclid and on Broadway/Congress right now.

  2. I’m curious what type of attachment they use that keeps thieves from removing the rack but allows the city to take it out and put it back on a regular basis.  I’m guessing they’re just using anchor bolts with regular nuts that anyone could remove and figure thieves wouldn’t want a bike rack.

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