Two separate posts on Craigslist are warning of violence along the river path. An anonymous user posted the following on Saturday, July 26.
I was on the Rillito trail,behind the wallmart on Wetmore and First. 4 or 5 guys in their ealy twenties pushed me off my 2001 GT I drive bike(blue and white).one got my bike and 2 of them ran the other way with my backpack while the others tried to knock me out.This occurred on 7-24 at around 10 a.m.. Any information would be helpful…contact officer Rusardo,TPD case #1407240498.Thank you.It looks exactly like the picture.
The poster did not respond to a Tucson Velo email sent through Craigslist. A second was posted yesterday. It’s not clear if the posts were made by the same person. There have also been break-ins and gunfire reported along the path.
“The path has also seen and on the path.”
Proof reading can do wonders.