It got a lot easier to travel east and west through the University of Arizona campus this week.
Streetcar construction crews finished their work on the University Boulevard and Park Avenue intersection as well as Park Avenue north from University to Second Street.
The streets were reopened late last week. Some work will continue in the area, but the opening makes it easier to travel in the area.
Crews added striped shoulders to Park Avenue between University Boulevard and Second Avenue.
Eventually green paint will be added at the intersections to help cyclists know the best places to cross the tracks.
Have you ridden through the area recently? What do you think?
Okay, so you can ride north on Park. However, no longer appears to be possible to bicycle south on Park Avenue. Another good route destroyed by the streetcar.
@MarthaRetallick There are shoulders in both directions.
I work at Park and University, and commute there from West University, so believe me when I say I’m SUPER thrilled that that intersection is open now.
I will say that, after just a few days of using it, its the most daunting trolly crossing spot I’ve used when I am coming west on university. Because of the angle of the way the tracks curve I feel like it is extra challenging to cross them at a perpendicular (ie safe) angle, without ending up riding into the sidewalk there.
The sister of my close friend just got caught in the tracks on university in front of No Anchovies, flipped over her handle bars, and broke her front tooth. This is extra scary to me since that isn’t even as treacherous as the newly opened intersection, in my opinion.
@MikeMcKisson Thanks for pointing out the shoulders. What remains to be seen is how the auto traffic will use them. I’m afraid that they’ll turn into the quick route around the streetcar, and who cares about those bicyclists who are in the way.
@theahlilea I can’t thinking that similar casualties will happen at the intersection of 4th and University. That one has long been a real hazard for bicyclists.
It’s so nice to have the new smooth asphalt and the intersection open again. Still waiting on the Warren underpass, that is taking forever.
The tracks are going to cause bike accidents and injuries by the hundreds
@Steve Wilson That’s why I’m telling people to avoid the streetcar route. Especially if they value their lives and health.
@MarthaRetallick @Steve Wilson Unfortunately it’s where we go all the time, just have to be constantly aware of the edges of the tracks.
@MarthaRetallick @Steve Wilson I won’t avoid the streetcar route… *shrug* learn to coexist 🙂
If that’s a true bike lane (from 1st to University) when will the 15 min. pick-up and/or delivery parking be eliminated?
@MarthaRetallick @Steve Wilson I won’t be avoiding anything. Hopefully they will take some additional precautions, like changing the parking situation and drawing the crossing lines. Also, I thought they were putting a real stop light in there? Anyone know anything about that??
@theahlilea @MarthaRetallick @Steve Wilson Yes there will be a real stoplight there.
@theahlilea @MarthaRetallick @Steve Wilson They had to take down the light due to overhead wiring then when that’s done, stoplight goes back up… Last paragraph indicated there’s more work to do like painting green and etc for bike and pedestrian safety features.