View Three most bikeable neighborhoods in a larger map
Are you in the market for a new house? Want a bikeable neighborhood? You might consider moving to the Pie Allen, Iron Horse or Armory Park neighborhoods.
The three neighborhoods ranked among the top 25 most bikeable neighborhoods in the county according an Atlantic analysis of’s bike rankings.
Pie Allen ranked 9th overall with a bike score of 99.8. IronHorse, ranked 18th overall with a score of 99.4 and Armory Park ranked 22nd with a score of 99.2.
Bike Score uses a 100 point scale weighted equally on:
- Bike lanes
- Hills
- Destinations and road connectivity
- Bike commuting mode share
Check out the methodology here.
According to the analysis, Tucson has the most neighborhoods with scores of 70 or better and the most “Bikers Paradise” neighborhoods in the country.
What do you think? Are these neighborhoods worthy of distinction? Are their other neighborhoods that are more bikeable? Leave a comment.
I’m looking for a place to rent currently, so this is perfect timing for me, since I use a bicycle as my transportation! Thank you, Velo! 🙂
Not West University, tracks of death.