
Do you have kids? Do you bike? You can make sure your kids are counted by riding to Fourth Avenue and University Boulevard between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. on Thursday.

The count is part of People for Bikes’ “Whimsical Bike Counts.

Here’s a description of the count:

More and more Americans are riding their bikes as part of their everyday lives as a means of transportation, wearing their normal, everyday clothes, without thinking much about it.

The national advocacy organization People for Bikes is on a quest to determine the “everyday biking” capital of the U.S. through a series of monthly bike counts. This competition between 10 cities is all about “fun” and “whimsy” unlike “serious” and “scientific” initiatives to count bikes.

Each month’s count has a separate theme and August is the month of kids on bikes. Kids are encouraged to ride their bikes (with a helmet, of course!) but will also be counted if they’re on or attached to their parent’s bike.

Running up the score is highly encouraged, so ride by our count location at the corner of 4th Avenue and University Boulevard and help us declare Tucson the best place for #everdaybiking!

This month’s count is kids riding their own bike or riding as a passenger on a bike. A stop at the splash pad on Fourth Avenue may be in order following the count.

Check out the event on Facebook.



3 thoughts on “Make sure your kids count on Thursday”
  1. I ride a bike more often than the average Tucsonan and 25% of my children ride a bike to school daily (the others are too young to do so). This event however is a farce. Let me summarize what I would need to do. Leave work 2 hours early, drive home. Pack up 3-4 bikes into the car and the children. Drive 5 miles to be biking distance from University/4th avenue. Unpack bikes from car, and ride with kids. Pack bikes and kids back into car, drive home. Arrive home around 6:30pm, having spent about 2 hours driving, 30 minutes bicycling, and another 30 – 60 minutes herding children in and out of car and packing/unpacking multiple bicycles in the car.

  2. @katalinscherer Wow, I’m really sorry that this would be so inconvenient for you.

    Thanks for venting here. 

    I wonder if ANYONE will go, considering how inconvenient participation would be for katalinscherer.

  3. @ignorant drivers @katalinscherer  So I guess the point of this ‘event’ is to see how many kids and/or people with kids you can get to ride by a certain point on a really hot day. psssh   (Please don’t annoy the streetcar operators)

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