This week has been a little crazy for the McKisson household and our bicycling transportation routine has been suffered.
Normally, Luci and I load into the CETMA each morning for our trip to her school and my work. It’s about 10 miles roundtrip each day.
I’ve been off of work this week and we’re getting new floors put into our house. As a result, I haven’t used a bike for transportation all week.
Each morning we leave the house in the family car loaded with toys, nap stuff and other items to make camp at our families’ house while ours is under construction.
That’s not to say I didn’t ride a bike at all. Quite the contrary. I got in a lot of mountain bike miles in and rode to the trail head each time.
I always feel guilty getting in the car instead of on the bike and I’ve noticed how easy hopping in a car can be. Biking with a family when you have lots of moving pieces can be logistically challenging. I’m looking forward to getting back into our routine. I’ve realized how slippery the slope can be, however.
What about you? Have you ever gotten out of the bicycle-transportation routine? How did you get back in?
I kind of have the opposite problem – I’ve been driving so little that I think I’ve gotten kind of bad at it. I only drive about once a week, but in the past month or so I’ve gotten 2 speeding tickets and rear-ended someone – yikes! Time to hang up the keys!