Post any interesting links in the comment section.
- Bicycles and Escapism
- Public Art You Can’t See from a Car
- Advocacy Advance Awards $100000 in Grants
- Nuvinci Launches Automatic Shifting System
- County flirts with unwanted bicycle accident record
- Two groups of entrepreneurs want to light up your bike’s wheels
- Bicycles can mean a cheap commute
- Plywood Bike Is Beautifully Bendy
- Cycling in Fashion
- Fort Collins’ new bar Cranknstein’s won’t open until Sept. 2
- Accidents involving cyclists down 20% this year
- Odd-looking bike captures Nanaimo images for Google
- Toronto’s removal of bike lanes marks opening salvo in ‘war on cycling’
- Coolest bike commute ever
- Bikes as transport: getting Australian women along for the ride
- Study: Vancouver Merchants Badly Misjudge Effect of Protected Bike Lanes