Post any interesting links in the comment section.
- The Low Hanging Fruit: Recreational Cyclists
- The Sofa Bike Is a Loveseat for the Adventurous
- Was “Biking While Sexy” Story Just Viral Marketing Stunt To Sell Bikes?
- Hackettstown man arrested for allegedly stealing bicycle to go to an interview
- Angel Bicycle Helmet with USB-powered Halo for Attention Seekers
- Tents no more, I’m a relaxed Rockies rider
- City’s 1st Bike Boulevard Open in South Minneapolis
- Police Among Worst Offenders Blocking Manhattan’s Bike Lanes
“Low Hanging Fruit:Recreational Riders”
What a fantastic article! And appropriate in light of the recent ‘Serious Riders’ reference. (Riders of the Week)
It seems there is a point being missed somewhere in the quest for increased ridership. The sport, recreational (now health & fitness) and racing cyclists have been well-marketed to. It has skewed the view of cycling among that crowd and the non-cycling population as well. The only thing government has to appeal to ridership with is amenities and infrastructure… a culture that has a problem with sweat.
How is it (or was it) with the readership of this blog (and I’m assuming mostly non-racing types) that you became riders before or in spite of these influences? Are those reasons so individual that mass appeal is ineffective.
Jerry Shapins’ letter to the ADS concerning multi-modal streets was responded to thusly:
Jerry…buddy…man has evolved.We enjoy our automobiles.We enjoy the freedom of not having to live amongst a collective.We enjoy the freedom of being able to hop in our own vehicle and being 30 miles away in no time.
So are cyclists luddites or the avant garde?
Love your site – so much great info. Does anyone have recommendations for a good Tucson doctor who is also a cyclist and aware of all the cycling related health issues?