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One thought on “Link roundup: June 8”
  1. The unofficial Tucson BAC packet (minutes from previous meeting, agenda for next) for the Wednesday, June 10 meeting is finally up:

    My how these people squirm and process over a relatively simple thing like 3rd and Treat.

    But the Sgt. Schultz* Award, The “I know NOTHING, NOTHING” would have to go to TPD’s Sgt. David Fernandez, Ex-officio of BAC …

    sez in the minutes,

    “Regarding the enforcement at 3rd/Treat, Sgt Fernandez says it is an issue with the midtown division and he has not been involved.”

    um, okay Sgt. Fernandez and BAC…

    okey dokey.


    * you know, Hogans Heroes cheesy tv series.

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