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Bicycle power: The world’s greenest, quietest and healthiest ride-on lawnmower
Journalist gets back on his bike
Using Social Media to Fix Transit That Fails
In time for SXSW, Austin rolls out miles of new bike lanes and features
Politicycle: Should your senator be booted from the Senate Bike Caucus?
Why not implement a bicycle license fee
Bike safety proposal finds few fans in Iowa House
Messenger Finds Stolen Bike Thanks to Twitter
Hume Central Secondary College bans bikes
Women find liberation on two wheels
Forget using that new bike lane; it’s full of cars
Bike plan gets jump-start because of recession?
Pennsylvania Ave. to have dedicated bike lanes
Google Bike Maps? Fuhgeddaboudit
Bike racing is the new football: High school teams ride wave of momentum
Streetscast: Google Engineer Scott Shawcroft Explains Google’s Bike Map