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7 thoughts on “Link roundup: March 20”
  1. Looks like they’ve got it done.

    Tucson’s velodrome, if it ever happens, should be close to UA which provides a built-in audience (the sports center of gravity in Pimaland) and tons of amenities, and not get entangled with Rio Nuevo.

    But how to inspire an inherently dysfunctional city-county government model to get it done?

  2. Charlotte got the rating they have because they deserved, and that was determined by well known requirements.  Tucson has the rating it has because it deserves it.

    The velodrome in Rock Hill has opened this month and is sponsored by Giordana.  That area deserves that, too.  Cleveland, Ohio is on track to open their velodrome in June of this year.  They deserve that, too.

    It’d be interesting to hear why it is that Charlotte and South Carolina don’t deserve what they’ve got.  It is a fact that cycling exists outside of Tucson and is quite healthy in many places outside of Tucson.

    If you’d like a velodrome here, I’m sure the people in Rock Hill and in Cleveland can give you helpful hints on the best way to proceed.

  3. If there’s money, it can get done.  the “inherently dysfunctional city-county government” is not the only hurdle.  Public will is also a hurdle and likely the bigger one.  After all it is the public that has voted against  funding measures for the city on quite a few occasions, and it’s quite likely that public will protest the spending of any city or county money on a velodrome when police and fire are already short-staffed and roads are in need of serious repair.

    Much of the blame for city/county errors, decisions, and conduct can be put at the feet of the electorate.  The city and county are not sole source blame receivers.

    If you want a velodrome, get involved in raising money for one.   That’s what people in Cleveland are doing, so it shouldn’t be beneath people in Tucson to do the same thing.

    Pointing fingers and assigning blame are not solutions.  If people have ideas for how things can be done better or for new approaches to old issues, they should offer up those ideas.  That would be infinitely more productive than saying, “It’s their fault.”  

  4. The amazing part is that a town that small can attract  the sponsors to build their project in a different state. Never said Rock Hill didn’t deserve it.
    It does seem peculiar that a town, of even modest bicycle ranking with the resources that Charlotte has and the home-based interest group, would get
    ‘stiffed’ on  a project like this.  Maybe I’m not the only one of the opinion that Charlotte isn’t worthy of its ranking. I came here from living there 10 years so that I could enjoy riding my bike and partake of the events and use the facilities and be part of a sizable biking community.
    Given that, the unfortunate part here is this city has ‘lost’ enough money in its sofa cushions to fund one of these. The electorate deserves better than that.
    I hope Cleveland’s is an in-door one. They deserve that. They get a real lot of days like last Sunday.

  5. Cleveland’s is going to be inside an inflatable dome according to current plans.  The track will be of the same type as a velodrome in Rochester Hills, MI, a marine grade plywood portable track built on steel substructure.  The dome is a good thing as the velodrome is smack in the middle of Cleveland’s snow belt.  Ohio is likely a lot like other US cities in that cyclists struggle for recognition there.  Cleveland once earned an “honorable mention” for its cycling efforts.  Curiously the LAB ranks Ohio 37th out of 50 and North Carolina 38th out of 50.  Here’s what the LAB says about Charlotte:
    I believe the LAB is fairly objective, and I think we both have to agree that a bronze rating is miles from platinum, gold, and even silver.  Charlotte no doubt has areas in which it can improve, and even in the eyes of the LAB, Tucson is a cycling nirvana compared to Charlotte.I do agree that Tucson has likely squandered much more than what it would cost to build a velodrome, and certainly a velodrome and Tucson would seem to be a perfect fit given the cycling culture here.  Unfortunately, the public doesn’t see that perfect fit as much as us cyclists.  For a metro as large as we have here, neither the government nor the people seem up to the task of creating a government reflective of our size and value.  The same is true of the public.  We certainly haven’t made the most of the resources in our area.Unfortunately, I am forced to leave Arizona at the end of the month and head to Ohio.  I plan on blogging about life there, particularly cycling.  I expect that Tucson will appear much more rosy than it does to us here.  Tucson has, after all, accomplished a lot with cycling, but with accomplishment comes the recognition that much more can be done.

  6. “Pointing fingers and assigning blame are not solutions.”

    Which, of course, you did in your response. Red Star simply identified a known ongoing problem in the Old Pueblo; hardly “pointing fingers” or “assigning blame” as you perjoratively insist.

    Indeed, Red Star anticipated your upset with “But how to inspire an inherently dysfunctional city-county government model to get it done?”

    Enjoy Ohio.

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