Post any interesting links in the comment section.





4 thoughts on “Link roundup: November 13”
  1. The El Paso greenway crossing at St. Mary’s is a little interesting. It’s so very nice they write all those thank you notes. More people should be so polite. Kudos to Red Star for even being able to locate the packet and agenda. It’s on one of the governmental agencies web sites but not the other. Good luck getting ahold of info on the downtown sub-committee agenda and meeting dates and times. Why we’d call this democracy in action is puzzling to me. Bureaucracy in action. Kind of reminds me of Pogo.

    I read with interest your rants on potholes (Red Star) The road surface on 3rd between Campbell and Tucson is indeed dreadful but I am having the odd experience of riding into potholes, takes me twice to remember one, and having them be repaired before the 3rd occurrence. It might well just be random dumb luck but in my world the potholes I encounter are being quickly repaired. 3rd still sucks though, same for 2nd between Park and 4th Avenue which is on some short list for a new labyrinthine bike route.

  2. The potholes that concern Red Star (apparently not the city) lie farther east on 3rd Street, between Richey and Dodge.

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