Tucson Velo reader Paul Melde has been road and mountain bike riding for quite a while, but he recently bought a Masi and put a rack on it for utility purposes and touring.

Paul says he became interested in the utilitarian side of bicycling after visiting bikey cities like Portland and Vancouver and seeing the European bicycling movement find its way to the U.S.

His favorite things about riding in Tucson are the views and nature you get to see when riding around the city.

He doesn’t care for is how much sprawl has occurred as Tucson has developed, although he says the improving bike infrastructure helps combat the sprawl a little.

If he could fix anything in the city related to bicycling he says he would want to improve the inter-modal transportation system. He says there is a little bit of that happening with bike racks on buses, but says there is lots of room for improvement.

2 thoughts on “Rider of the Week: New utility cyclist”
  1. “If he could fix anything in the city related to bicycling he says he
    would want to improve the inter-modal transportation system. He says
    there is a little bit of that happening with bike racks on buses, but
    says there is lots of room for improvement.”

    Indeed. And there is plenty of room for improvement in “bike park and ride a bus the rest of the way in. ” Inter-modal, multi-modal transpo needs a lot of work in the Old Pueblo.

    Consider this:


  2. “If he could fix anything in the city related to bicycling he says he
    would want to improve the inter-modal transportation system. He says
    there is a little bit of that happening with bike racks on buses, but
    says there is lots of room for improvement.”

    Indeed. And there is plenty of room for improvement in “bike park and ride a bus the rest of the way in. ” Inter-modal, multi-modal transpo needs a lot of work in the Old Pueblo.

    Consider this:


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