The more than 8,000 cyclists expected to ride in the 31st El Tour de Tucson on Saturday will likely contend with wet weather and increased traffic for the University of Arizona vs Oregon football game.
According to an email sent by El Tour de Tucson organizers, it has never rained on the day of the event. Here’s the email sent by Perimeter Bicycling, the organization that puts on the ride:
El Tour Headquarters is being flooded with calls,”Will El Tour be cancelled because of rain?”. El Tour is an adventure! “El Tour goes on rain, snow, sleet or hail. We’re just like the mail!”. Pass this message on to everyone through Facebook and all other social media outlets.
As of this writing, there is a 50% chance of “showers – not rain”. Temperatures @ 68 degrees. Perfect cycling weather. We’re ready for you!!! Even with rain, it will still be a beautiful ride. This is Tucson, Arizona!! We never get rain!!
In the past 30 El Tours it has never rained on Ride Day. In 1994, the coldest El Tour on record (high: 58 degrees), it snowed through the night, but stopped at 6:30 am. At the time of the 7:00 am Start, it was absolutely beautiful. Sun shinning and snow capped mountains. The cyclists were given a rare treat: snow in the dessert. Just amazing!
We’re expecting over 8,000 cyclists from throughout the World. If it rains, this will be rare, but also history. Become one of those who might be able to say, “I rode in the first El Tour where it ever rained!”
We’re remaining positive that the storm will blow to the north and pass Tucson which often happens. A news Conference will be held on Friday, November 22, 2013 at 3:00 pm in the downtown Tucson Convention Center (TCC) at “Sanofi El Tour EXPO” in the Main Exhibit Halls.
In addition to the rain, organizers learned early this week that the University of Arizona scheduled a home game from 1:30 p.m. on Saturday. According to Perimeter Bicycling president Richard DeBernardis, this is only the fifth time there has been a home football game on the same day as El Tour de Tucson.
Organizers are encouraging people heading to the game to leave an hour early due to traffic delays caused by El Tour de Tucson.
Motorists can also familiarize themselves with the map to find alternate routes around the event.
A couple of notes, 1) be prepared for the rain, I don’t know where they got 50% chance of rain (I’m sure it was accurate) but most forecasts predict +90% chance. You’ll get wet and you’ll get over it, just plan appropriately. 2) The U of A does not schedule what time their games occur this is set by their (and the PAC12’s) media contracts.
We’ll get wet but it should still be a ton of fun, I hope to see you out there.
The predicted weather is off by about 11 degrees. Currently: It is predicted high of 57 degrees, this year’s El Tour could also be the coldest on record, to go with the rain, which is unprecedented. Adventure for sure, wondering at what height the washes have to be before the wash crossings are closed.
I am a “Torero” which means Bullfighter. I will face El Tour de Tucson like a Bullfight. In the end, the Torero will win and we will celebrate and eat toro barbacoa.. Glen Bell
Snow can ruin a good dessert, whether the sun shinns or not…