Six months after the first Kidical Mass that had an attendance of 150, Living Streets Alliance has scheduled a second one for Saturday.
Saturday’s ride will actually be one of four Kidical Mass rides the group is organizing over the next six months.
This Saturday’s ride meets at 10 a.m. at Himmel Park, located at Treat Avenue and Second Street.
Riders will head down Third Street, do a lap around the University of Arizona mall and head back to the park for cool treats.
The route is just under four miles.
Ride organizers have posted FAQs for the ride:
Where will the ride go?
Let’s do it again. This ride will begin and end at Himmel Park. We’ll gather at the small children’s playground just west of the library, wind through the Sam Hughes neighborhood along 3rd Street, circle around the University of Arizona mall and return to Himmel for a special treat from Isabella’s Ice Cream Truck. Dairy and non-dairy treats will be available. Round trip, the route is just under 4 miles long and is more for kids able to ride two wheelers. Some families will bring along a “balance bike,” strider, trike, or small bicycle for their kids to ride around the park with but then when it is time for the ride we recommend that they use a trailer, cargobike, or child’s bike seat.
If you plan on coming, please let us know, as we’ll be planning for a variety of treats and giveaways for participating kids and want to make sure we don’t run out!
Are helmets required?
Yes. By law in Arizona all children 18 and under must wear a helmet, and the ride leaders strongly encourage all riders to wear helmets. A limited number of free helmets will be on hand for those who need them and will be fit by El Grupo Youth Cyclists who have been trained in bicycle safety workshops.
What if I have more than one kid to keep track of on the ride?
Ride leaders encourage all parents to take responsibility for all young cyclists so you should feel comfortable in knowing there are many eyes and ears on the road helping out. We sometimes have volunteers to ride with us who do not have kids as well as a ride ‘sweeper’ who stays in the back of the pack. However, you should still be very aware of your own child’s location and behavior as you are ultimately responsible for your child’s safety.
Speaking of ‘liability’, is there a waiver to sign?
Not having them keeps it a little less formal. We are organizing a meeting spot and a fun event at the end but when we ride “together” each family is responsible for their kids and surroundings (stop at all stops, ride with traffic, stay to the right, and no swerving).
Will my kid get left behind?
No. We have a ride ‘sweeper’ who stays in the back of the group to make sure no one is left. Volunteers are on hand to help out with mechanical troubles or flats. Also, the ride leader will stop as many times as necessary to make sure the group stays together since it’s safer and more fun that way! Since we are not stopping traffic or blocking traffic this may mean it’s the slowest ride you’ll ever take- but it makes it more fun and festive!
Check out the photos from last year’s ride.