Rachel Alter’s red Gilmour was stolen last month, which we posted on the Stolen Bikes thread. But she wasn’t content to just file a police report.

Alter went out and got the security footage of the theft. Particularly frustrating is seeing a police officer roll by at the two-minute mark while the thieves are stealing the bike.

If you see the bike, email Alter.

9 thoughts on “Tucson bike theft caught on video; police drive by as it happens”
  1. A big question that I have is what was the bike locked with? A cable lock?

    Notice how the fat girl is on “the lookout” while the guy messes around with the bike?

  2. So what’s the point of the camera? Apparently it isn’t being monitored and it sure isn’t a deterrent.

  3. We should get City to move the bike racks to front of Cafe Poca Cosa;
    this location would be good relocation for the bike racks from the spot where bike was stolen. It is right in public view of cafe customers and foot traffic.
    see this streetview link;

  4. While TPD can’t be held responsible in this particular case alone – their cameo on this video brings to light the incredible inequity in how car theft and bike theft are treated in our legal system.

    I’ve personally had 3 bikes stolen at the U of A, and know many folks that simply don’t ride because the prospect of securing their bike against theft is too daunting. This fact is confirmed by the ever larger,heavier, more expensive bike locks that hit the market.

    In Tokyo, by comparison, bike theft is virtually non-existent (though apparently on the rise). I left a $2000 US bike parked outside my hotel with the most limp of cables. Many bikes were left on the street unlocked. Not sure what the legal implications are in Japan of bike theft, I suspect that it’s more about cultural orientation towards theft than laws that allow folks to feel safe about leaving their bike unlocked.

    I only present Tokyo (as compared to Tucson) by way of inspiration – it doesn’t have to be this way. Unfortunately, in our culture, it seems that litigation trumps cultural standards, but when in Rome…I’d say TPD needs to step up the prosecution of bike thieves, so that folks using bike theft as a way to pay the bills, consider an alternate under-prosecuted avenue, like, say, credit card fraud.

  5. I recently had my car stolen at sams club 11-29-11.It was parked by the wall with trees west end of parking lot.I immediately checked with management to see if they picked it up on video. Only to be informed that there is no cameras viewing that particular area of parking lot! Also found out later that about a week and a half earlier, another vehicle was stolen from that same spot. I would suggest if you shop at sams club on stone you do not park in this area!

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