I’m a numbers nerd. I like to know how far and how fast I went and where I’ve been.

I use a GPS device to track every ride I take. I’ve missed a couple, but for the most part, the image above takes into account every ride in 2010.The cadence and heart rate aren’t totally accurate as I only track those two on my road bike.

I just missed my goal of 6,000 miles and could have made it if it weren’t for a few hiccups here and there. At least now I don’t have to change my yearly goal to 6,500 now.

What I think is cooler is the ride time. The 442 hours on a bike is actually 18 full days. Looking at it another way, I spent five percent of my year riding a bike.

The almost 300,000 calories burned isn’t too bad either.

What about you? Do you care about your yearly numbers or do you prefer to not keep track? If you do track them, how many miles did you ride? What is your goal for 2011?

15 thoughts on “Numbers nerd”
  1. My numbers for 2010 (I’m like you … track every mile via GPSr). 4,946.07 miles over 332 hrs 44 mins 22 seconds averaging 15.32 mph burning 263,262 calories with 61,007 feet of altitude gain (176 rides or 3.38 rides per week average ride distance 28.10 miles)

    My goals next year are to bust 6,000 miles. 🙂

  2. My numbers for 2010 (I’m like you … track every mile via GPSr). 4,946.07 miles over 332 hrs 44 mins 22 seconds averaging 15.32 mph burning 263,262 calories with 61,007 feet of altitude gain (176 rides or 3.38 rides per week average ride distance 28.10 miles)

    My goals next year are to bust 6,000 miles. 🙂

  3. Hmm…. 5194 miles, all on the Garmin. The month totals are interesting, a big pile of miles in the warmer months, not as much in the winter. Will have to plot the monthly mileage vs monthly temperature !

  4. I don’t have a GPS for my bike, but just figured my miles and kept track in a spreadsheet. I did 4,308 in 2010, but will do more this year when I’ll have fewer out-of-town activities that limited my 2010 mileage.

  5. I refuse to use a cyclecomputer or GPS. I think obsessing over numbers while riding would end up being too hazardous to my health.

    However, I log my daily commutes on http://www.884ride.org (the Sun Rideshare website run by PAG) — With a (low) estimate of 4.25 miles each way, I did 1968 commuter miles in 2010.

  6. Had over 3,100 miles at end of Sept and on my way to my goal of 5,000 miles. Then the good old job got in the way and I “fell off a cliff.” 🙂 I used a Facebook app called Cycling Log and the graph at the end of the year looked like the stock market crash from a couple of years ago.

    Ended up with 3,265 miles for the year. Was able to get in some spin bike time in the last quarter of the year that helped me stay a little fit, but nothing like getting out on the bike.

    No GPS for me either. Used that old technology of a spreadsheet. My other numbers were 109 rides, 236+ hours, 130,000+ calories, average speed 13.83 mph.

    Pretty impressive numbers posted here. Congrats to everyone…

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