The Pima Association of Governments wants you… to volunteer to count bikes.

Ann Chanecka, a PAG planner and the bike count point person, said they hope to count at 100 locations including 20 on the University of Arizona campus from Oct. 19-21.

She said they will need more volunteers this year because they are adding an additional 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. time slot for the UA locations.

Here is the press release from PAG:

Volunteers are needed for Tucson’s 3nd Annual Regional Bicycle count which takes place Oct. 19, 20 and 21.

The count, which is coordinated by Pima Association of Governments, is important to the region to better understand the trends in cycling, the behavior of cyclists, and to identify locations needing improvements.

Last year, staff and volunteers counted over 9,800 cyclists at 99 locations.

Volunteers are needed and are required to attend a short training session to learn more about the count. Details include:

•    Training sessions will be at the Ward VI Office at 6 p.m. on Oct. 14 and at 9 a.m. on Oct. 16.
•    Volunteers sign up for one location and count one morning (7-9 a.m. ) and one evening count (4-6 p.m.) – the a.m. and p.m. counts do not have to be on the same day. Volunteers can pair up with a friend to split the counts.
•    PAG collects different attributes with the count (gender, approximate age, helmet use, etc.)
•    An informational flier is available here.
Volunteers may contact Ann Chanecka, PAG Transportation Planner, at 792-1093 or for more information or questions.

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