- The Oregonian Editorial Board on Portland’s “risky bike share venture”
- Repairing bikes gives kids feelings of achievement
- Mixed emotions at retail over Electra acquisition
- Caps not hats
- Ogden mayor commits to riding his bike to work every day in 2014
- Video: Woman Tackles Bicycle Thief In SF
- The Electricity-Generating Bicycle Desk That Would Power the World
- Portland Consumer Bike Expo canceled
- Citi Bike 2013 Summary
- People Are Still Fighting the PPW Bike Lane. Seriously?
- Is This Anti-Speeding PSA Too Real for America?
- Out for a four-month, 7300-mile bike ride through Africa
- Bicycle Enthusiast Finishing Up Record-Breaking South Pole Ride
From that “Dear Motorist” video in the first link I’m taking away the message that cyclists should stop getting themselves ran over. ‘Cause cyclists do a lot of stupid things. WTF?
My idea for ultimate road safety concerning motor vehicles? The Driver’s Spike™ – A 10″ iron spike attached to the center of every steering wheel. Think you’ll do everything to avoid crashing now?
Of course I’m kidding, but hopefully the message gets through. Dear Motorist, The slightest mistake can kill someone.