First things first, Tucson Velo will always be the best site for information about cycling in Tucson.
I am, however, returning to school to get an MBA at the UA’s Eller School of Business. My classes start in January and my already-time-crunched life will be even more so.
I’m often asked if is my full-time job. I wish it was, but it’s not. I’ve been fitting Tucson Velo in between a full-time job and being a father. Now I’m adding an MBA to the mix.
There may be times I won’t get out to an event or ride out to new infrastructure to report about it.
I’m hoping there are a few of you out there willing to help out. I’m looking for a few people who can help create a post here and there.
You aren’t a reporter? That’s OK, you can leave the reporting and interviewing to me. Although, I can teach you how to do it.
Aren’t a writer? That’s OK, people like to see photos.
Want to help, but don’t know how? Let’s chat, I’m sure we can figure something out.
Please send me an email at and we’ll see what we can do.
The MBA program lasts 18 months and I’ve been told some classes are more demanding than others.
I’m really excited about the opportunity.
Thanks for helping me create such an amazing community here.
I’m a full-time worker, full-time student as well and the demands are rigorous, but if you want it, you’ll get it done. God bless and best of luck to you!
Good luck with the new endeavor Mike. To help keep the flow of bike news coming out of Tucson Dept. of Transportation, I just set up a Facebook page and Twitter account.!/TucsonBikePed
Do you plan (hope) to take your MBA to the bike industry? Or is it, “Sheesh Red Star, I just want to get the compressed and grueling thing done and I’ll worry about the next when the time comes!”
In any case, you’ve demonstrated the ability to identify a demand out there and meet it. That counts for a lot more than those time-consuming quantitative methods classes!
I’ve got an idea for a bikey business that the MBA might help with, but the real impetus relates to my current job.
I’m sure you already know — because it takes about 2 seconds of internet research — I am an adjunct instructor at the UA Journalism School.
The goal is to get the MBA and start an entrepreneurial journalism program, hopefully here at the UA.
I saw you started tweeting yesterday. Good news.
Entrepreneurial journalism is something that’s very much needed. Especially the entrepreneurial part.
Schools need to get beyond their focus on teaching people to have jobs. Why? Because jobs are disappearing, that’s why.
I find it very selfish of you to go back to school, what am I supposed to read when IM in class?!
Congrats & Good Luck! maybe I will see you around Eller?
You’ll still have stuff to read!
Would love to bump into you around Eller.