The city’s “Bike 2 Work Week” wrapped up this morning with the downtown commuter station. Overall, commuters, business owners and city officials are pleased with the results.

Jorge Ruiz said he visited about 95 percent of the stations each day and said the breakfasts were his favorite part, but also liked meeting so many new people.

Janet Miller said her favorite part of the week was the, “serendipitous meeting of amazing people on bikes that I hadn’t met before Bike Fest. Hearing their stories and being inspired by them.”

Banker Kevin Hale tries to ride to his business meeting several times a week he said the camaraderie was special.

“A lot of times I don’t think cyclists get their proper due,” Hale said. They get a lot of grief from cars and drivers on the road and it is nice to be around like-minded people who get it.”

Time Market general manager Kade Mislinski said he served between 60 and 80 people a day, 80 percent of whom were new customers. Mislinski said he was happy with the event and would like to participate again.

Jennifer Donofrio did most of the planning for the event and said she was happy with the result.

“I think the week overall was amazing.” Donofrio said. “All the stops that I was at, a lot of people showed up at them. There were a lot of people trying out new businesses that they have never gone to before. That was fantastic. It was like opening up this whole new  world to the bike community about these bike-friendly businesses. ”

Minor issues did arise throughout the week.

One commuter said he stopped by Xoom Juice on Monday and was told the event was only happening at the downtown location despite its being listed on the calendar.

TucsonVelo reader Scott said he rode by a station and there weren’t any signs alerting people about the station.

Donofrio said that was something they would work on for next year. She said they would try to better educate the businesses about the need to make it more visually apparent that something special is going on.

Donofrio hopes to make next year’s event even bigger.

“We had 31 locations this year,” Donofrio said. “I hope we can double that next year and become more regional. A lot of our businesses were in the downtown and University of Arizona area.

I have a lot of photos and videos from the event today. I’ll post them soon.

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