I rode over to Mountain Avenue yesterday afternoon. I was disappointed to see that the bike lanes had not been striped. They managed to get the center line stripes done, but that was it.
Even worse, just south of Prince there are still barricades up and a large ditch is dug into the road. (check the photo in the gallery below)
The ditch is about 150 feet long. The rest of the road is open in both directions, which is a plus, but I was looking forward to a completed Mountain Avenue for my commute tomorrow morning.
I’ll call tomorrow to find out what is going on. In the meantime, check out the new photos and video of the road. It’ll be very nice once it is finished.
So it looks like we can still ride down Mountain? I need to ride from Kleindale & Mountain to the river path tomorrow. When do you think they will be done with the paving? Thanks for the update!
Zen, it will be open. They paved one side yesterday and had that open to traffic today.
So at the very least, that same lane should still be open, bu there is a good chance both side will be open.
Thanks for the quick reply!
There have been specific striping recommendations
made for these sections. I imagine city staff will
want to oversee the work…but not on a Saturday.
I was disappointed that the stripping wasn’t done also! I also still don’t like the medians as I would much rather have the buffered bike lanes like south of Ft Lowell. It seems to me that the cars are now closer to the bike lane than before this project. I especially don’t like the median at the end of your video. When traveling south, the cars naturally drive right into the bike lane in 2 separate areas. Bad planning if you ask me! Hopefully they can finish the area south of Ft Lowell soon so that cars will stop driving Through my neighborhood! On a positive note, I love riding on the smooth blacktop!
I saw them out there striping the center lane on Friday, so I figured they would have painted the bike lanes too.
I am going to withhold judgment on the medians until I see the finished product along with the concrete stamping they are supposed to do.
I am super excited to not have to share the bike lane and act like a salmon on the stretch south of Prince. Seeing the cars coming at you and paying little attention to staying in their lane was pretty unnerving.