Tucson ranks 16th among the biggest 51 cities in the United States for biking and walking according to a report released today by the national advocacy organization Alliance for Biking and Walking.

The organization said the report is aimed at giving governments a snapshot of how they stack up against each other and a tool to help determine whether their policies are working.

I’d encourage you to download the report to check out all the data, but below I’ve summarized some of the more interesting results:

  • According to the report, “Bicyclists and pedestrians make up 12% of all trips and account for 14% of traffic fatalities, yet just 1.6% of federal transportation funds go to these modes.”
  • Arizona ranked 29th overall when it comes to biking and walking levels, while Tucson ranked 16th and Phoenix came in at 38.
  • Arizona is the 40th safest state when it comes to bicycle and pedestrian fatalities. Tucson was ranked 20th, while Phoenix came in at 48th making it the third least safe large city in the U.S.
  • As a state, Arizona ranked 22nd when it comes to per capita spending on bicycle and pedestrian projects. Tucson ended up as the 5th highest per capita spending, while Phoenix came in at 30th.
  • When it comes to biking to work, Tucson ranked 8th overall. Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, San Francisco, Sacramento, Oakland and Washington DC topped Tucson.
  • Tucson has the most on-street bike lanes at 620 miles and ranks in the top three of bike lanes per square mile.
  • Tucson is among the top three cities for participation in adult bicycle education courses. (It’s not clear if the bicycle diversion classes fall into the category)
  • According to the report, we have lost 10 percent of our daily bicycle commuters since 1990, while Portland has grown more than 500 percent over the same period.
Those are just a few of the many reference to the the city and state. Download the entire report here.
Read my post about the report released in 2010 to find out how the report gets its data as well as how useful it is.

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