I’m thinking about creating an alert system for bike riders in Tucson and Pima County.

Currently, I am planning on using a text-message system, but have a few questions that I hope you can answer in the comment section.

What kind of alerts would you like the system to send out? Crashes? Traffic construction? Police stings? Important meetings?

How many alerts would you like to see in a month?

Basically, I’d like to know what would be useful to you.

8 thoughts on “What should an alert system for cyclists include?”
  1. Wow, no comments?

    There's a Twitter “feed” for Chicago bike riders, called @chicagocyclists. They've been tweeting construction on the street to avoid (like cut and removed pavement). I think it was started by some students at Columba College here.

    I'd stay away from “alerting” about important meetings. What may be an important meeting for you and your causes might not be something others want to see or read.

    I'd stick with the things that affect the most people or where the most people can be helped immediately. I'm thinking of construction and crashes (but really only when help is needed, like in finding a hit-and-run person). Or, parade routes that affect commuting? Haha, I bring this up because the Blackhawks parade and rally closed off a lot of streets in downtown Chicago and I knew this so I looked up the parade route to see it passing in front of my building. I took an alternate route to avoid the crowds.

  2. Crashes: agree with Steven, only if to find a hit-and-run
    Construction: how would it work, as these can last months
    Police Stings: do they have these in Tucson? if so, yes
    Important Meetings: mmm, maybe

    Frequency: as often as necessary

  3. Wow, no comments?

    There's a Twitter “feed” for Chicago bike riders, called @chicagocyclists. They've been tweeting construction on the street to avoid (like cut and removed pavement). I think it was started by some students at Columba College here.

    I'd stay away from “alerting” about important meetings. What may be an important meeting for you and your causes might not be something others want to see or read.

    I'd stick with the things that affect the most people or where the most people can be helped immediately. I'm thinking of construction and crashes (but really only when help is needed, like in finding a hit-and-run person). Or, parade routes that affect commuting? Haha, I bring this up because the Blackhawks parade and rally closed off a lot of streets in downtown Chicago and I knew this so I looked up the parade route to see it passing in front of my building. I took an alternate route to avoid the crowds.

  4. Road conditions, tips/best routes for commuters.

    Second the Carolyn’s wish for frequency.

  5. Notification of the “targeted enforcement zones” (aka “police stings”) would be a good thing.

    If all goes well, it will soon be Monsoon season. How about notices on rapidly approaching storms?

  6. Notification of the “targeted enforcement zones” (aka “police stings”) would be a good thing.

    If all goes well, it will soon be Monsoon season. How about notices on rapidly approaching storms?

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