Make: Zipp 808 front, Zipp 303 rear, Hed-3 trispoke set
Model: N/A
Color: black
Serial # : N/A
Where stolen: Armory Park
Time: 8AM
Date: 7/23/12
Type of lock: padlock
Report #:
Unique traits: N/A
Theft description: Broke into my shed, many wheels taken. The Zipps and Heds were the most expensive. Also were a Rolf Vector Pro set.


One thought on “Stolen wheels: Zipp 808 front, Zipp 303 rear, Hed-3 trispoke set and Rolf Vector Pro”
  1. Hate to say it, but sheds aren’t good places for bike gear storage. Too easy to break into.

    Yours Truly has a dedicated room in her casa for the bicycles. And I’m a real fanatic about keeping the doors locked.

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