The Tucson Pima County Bicycle Advisory Committee decided at their last meeting to hold a special session discussing whether they support increasing the priority of bike boulevards when it comes to RTA funding.

I am working on a story about the change in priorities, what it would do, why some people support it and why some people don’t, but I wanted to get the details out there so you could plan on attending.

The meeting will be held at the Parkwise conference room located at 110 E Pennington St., at 6 p.m. on Wednesday.  According to an email from Tom Thivener, the City of Tucson’s bike and pedestrian coordinator, there is plenty of parking in the area and room for bikes inside the conference room.

This meeting has the potential to shape the way Tucson grows as a bicycling community and it is important for the TPCBAC to hear from the public about what they want.

8 thoughts on “Bike boulevard special meeting details”
  1. Wow, that was silly of me. It is on Wednesday. I updated the post. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Wow, that was silly of me. It is on Wednesday. I updated the post. Thanks for the heads up.

  3. tick, tick, tick goes the clock…

    Anyway, what is a bike boulevard? Would we be talking about segregated facilities v. integrated space?

    Since the wrong-headed trolley is a RTA given, should cyclists be clear on definitions and goals before they try to work out a rational and effective plan for the area to obtain funding?

  4. tick, tick, tick goes the clock…

    Anyway, what is a bike boulevard? Would we be talking about segregated facilities v. integrated space?

    Since the wrong-headed trolley is a RTA given, should cyclists be clear on definitions and goals before they try to work out a rational and effective plan for the area to obtain funding?

  5. I’ll go into more detail about bike boulevards in the piece I am working on. It should be posted tomorrow morning.

  6. I’ll go into more detail about bike boulevards in the piece I am working on. It should be posted tomorrow morning.

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