Jennifer posted this comment in another story. Apparently more information will be coming soon about the Ciclovia, which is scheduled for April 18.

Bike Fest, the annual celebration of bicycling in the Tucson Metro Region, is right around the corner and we want to include as many bike related events as possible on our event calendar. Let me know if you are planning any events in April that I can include on the Bike Fest Calendar. In addition, check out the Bike Fest event calender, our Facebook page, and twitter page to find out about what we have going on so far.


City website:


Just send me an email at or give me a call at 837-6721 to let me know about your event.

Thank you!Bike

3 thoughts on “Bike Fest officials seek events to highlight”
  1. I think they know it is the same day. April, 18 is also the same day as the bike swap. I’m not sure what time the Ciclovia is happening, though.

    Maybe the times will be such that people can do both, or they might be targeting people who wouldn’t be interested in the Urban Assault ride anyway.

    Although, both of them sound pretty cool to me.

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