Screen Shot 2013-01-10 at 8.09.10 PMThe Arizona Department of Transportation is seeking input on it’s Bicycle and Pedestrian master plan, which was originally released in 2003 and had been updated this month.

The 99 page draft plans outlines the vision, goals and strategies outlined by the steering committee.

Here’s the vision outlined in the plan:

Arizona will become a state where people of all ages and abilities can conveniently,  comfortably, and safely walk or bicycle to destinations as part of their everyday life.  The quality of life and health of Arizona residents will be improved as more people  choose to walk or bike. A “Complete System” of bicycle and pedestrian facilities on  and off of the State Highway System will make the trip safer, more pleasant, more  convenient, more accessible, and with minimal barriers, enhancing the livability and  economic vitality of cities and towns in rural and urban areas. A “Complete System”  recognizes that transit users often begin or end their trip as pedestrians or  bicyclists. Access to transit along state highways will be made safer and more comfortable. Bicycling and walking will be incorporated into State Highway design  to meet the needs of bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit users of all abilities and ages at traffic interchanges, intersections, signals, and along the State Highway. Bicycle and pedestrian facilities such as underpasses/overpasses, bicycle lanes, sidewalks and paths, and transit stops will clearly indicate the right-of-way or their accommodation on shared roadways.

Here are the plan’s goals

• Goal No. 1: Increase Bicycle and Pedestrian Trips
• Goal No. 2: Improve Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety
• Goal No. 3: Improve Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure

ADOT is looking for feedback on 22 strategies within the plan including infrastructure and safety improvements.

It’s worth giving the plan a read and providing your feedback here.

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