Pima County put an end to a Tucson Padres promotion that would give ticket holders 8 alcoholic beverages and entry to the game for $15.
As Tucson Bike Lawyer suggested in his blog yesterday, eight drinks for a stadium full of people was a mix that would make it wise to stay off the roads.
As evidenced by the Padre in the promotion, the team knew people were going to get drunk.
Apparently the County stepped in and put an end to the promotion. Here’s what the Tucson Padres said in a post on their Facebook page:
We apologize about the confusion but our Friday promotion has changed. Pima County informed us that they would not allow the Kino Krawl as it was offered so we came up with another great deal. It’s a $2 drink special on 16 oz. beer (Miller, Coors and Bud), 16 oz. soft drinks and water; $3 for mixed drinks (normally $6.50), wine, kraft beers (normally $5.50) and margaritas when the gates open at 6:00. The alcohol special ends at 9:00. College students and military get in for $5 with an ID. If you already bought tickets, we’ll be sending you an e-mail to explain our conversion later today. Game time is 7:05
There aren’t enough cabs in this city to handle all those drunks.
And ISTR that if you toss your cookies in a cab, you have to pay for the cleanup costs. Good luck on collecting from the cheap drinks crowd.
What were they thinking? Get everybody drunk and send them home?
I doubt that thinking entered the equation.