Living Streets Alliance, the advocacy group contracted to manage Bike Fest, is looking to rebrand the annual month-long bicycle celebration.

Emily Yetman, the director of LSA said it feels like it is time to change it up.

“That name has hit its limit for appeal,” she said. “We are seing the same people over and over. We want a catchy name that will appeal to people outside the bike community.

What is currently called Bike Fest started more than 20 years ago with a bike to work day and eventually morphed into Clean Air Days and finally several years ago into Bike Fest.

Yetman said they are looking for something more catchy like Portland’s Pedalpalooza.

Yetman said the month-long event has several goals. One is to “pat existing bicyclists on the back.” The other is to get more people on their bikes and raise awareness about the benefits of riding your bike for transportation.

Yetman said LSA is having a hard time coming up with a new name and is hoping the bike community can help rebrand the event.

Do you have a catchy idea? Playing off of Pedalpalooza theme from Portland, I’m proposing Bikestock.

What’s yours? Leave a comment.

20 thoughts on “Living Streets seeks to rebrand Bike Fest”
  1. Bike Feast and it’s organic
    Bike Fiesta and it’s multi-cultural
    Pedalphilia and uh.. no, not that one
    Tucson Ride Yourself…wait, what?
    Tucson Bike Yourself that’s better
    Fiesta de los Bikequeros
    Tyler Perry’s Bike Tucson
    Bikeroo Banzai
    Bike Joy

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