Joined by hundreds of bike commuters, five regional cyclists were honored at the 2011 Bike-to-Work Week celebration at Maynard’s Market on Friday.
The celebration was the culmination of Bike-to-Work Week, which included several events and dozens of discounts and freebies from local businesses.
The Tucson-Pima County Bicycle Advisory Committee announced the winners of their bicycle commuter and advocate of the year awards.
Dave Burnham and Ed Irwin won the Bicycle Commuter of the Year award and Chuck Huckelberry and myself won the Bicycle Advocate of Year award. Rich Corbett won the new Tucson Bicycle Pioneer award.
Check the videos below to learn more about each of the award winners and find out why they won.
Watch the introduction and a quick speech by Mayor Bob Walkup.
Learn more about the awards and the Bicycle Commuter of the Year winners, Dave Burnham and Ed Irwin.
Watch the video below to learn about the Bicycle Advocates of the Year and see my purple shirt which garnered dozens of comments from people at the event.
Check out this video to learn about Rich Corbett and the new Bicycle Pioneer Award.
Here are a few photos from the event.
Lastly, here are photos from other Bike-to-Work Week events.
Cyclist Jason Repko also hosts “The Home Stretch” on KXCI 91.3 FM. Give him a listen from 3p.m. to 6p.m. Monday thru Friday. He’s our bicycling community’s advocate of the airwaves.