We are still looking for four volunteers to help out with the Tucson Velo Cyclovia Tucson photo booth.

Photographer and cyclist Chris Hinkle and I are teaming up to offer a fun photo booth experience at this year’s Cyclovia and just need a few people to help out by letting people know about the photo booth and helping direct the cyclists in and out of the tent as well as handing out free stickers.

Each volunteer will recieve a Tucson Velo t-shirt with a new — yet-to-be-seen — logo. Each shift only lasts and hour and it should be fun to watch people have fun getting their photos taken.

Here’s how the photo booth will work:

Participants will pose with their bike and their family. Or their recumbent and their potbellied dog. Or their unicycle, tweed fedora and carne asada burrito. Or what ever else they want to have their photo taken with.

On Monday, they can check TucsonVelo.com for their photos and all the other photos taken during the day.

They will have the choice of purchasing digital copies or prints for a little as a dollar or two, which covers Chris’ time for being out there.

It’s easy and fun. If you have an hour to help ou, please email me at TucsonVelo – at – gmail.com

One thought on “Volunteers needed for Tucson Velo photo booth”
  1. Mike,
    God willing the Cats keep advancing can I guest write a post about fuel-efficient ways to burn cars on 4th Ave and the best methods for flipping them over without blocking the bike lane?
    Bear Down,

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